Friday, February 26, 2010

Week ending 2/08/10

Who Dat! It was pure meham in our house last night as our New Orleans Saints came roaring back to become the Super bowl champs.Captain's Whit and Den both native New Orleans have been waiting since they were iust little tike's for this moment. I wasn't even a bit nervous even when we were 10 points down because, like Drew, I truly believed it was our destiny. Following the Saints as closely as I do, I also new we had the better and most cohesive team, held together by strong ties of real love, trust and respect for each others abilities. You really have to be proud of the Saint's and of our entire country, last night the Saint's became America's team. I'm really confident that 2010 will be a much better year for all of us. I'm looking forward to us pulling together to get our whole great country back on it's feet, the way the city of New Orleans has just four years after Katrina.

This week, I started mailing out your 2010 season newsletters. They came our really nice and should be a good read on a cold February eve. If you left your address in our guest book you should be receiving your copy in the next 10 days. To be fair to all, our 2010 season reservations will begin Saturday morning, Feb 27th at 8 am sharp! Ensign Ed has agreed to help again this year, so you should be able to get through on either his phone or mine with out much problem.

Gloria and I escaped for our 1st winter weekend getaway. We were invited to my good friend Wayne Guyette and his wife Karen's home in Spofford Village, New Hampshire.We were treated like kings and had a wonderful time. The weekend was highlighted by the Guyette families 5th annual Chili festival. Couples from all over the Keene area come together to beat back the cold winter doldrums and offer up their "Secret Chili Recipes" for annual bragging rights.Pictured on the right are this years winners. "Left to right", Mike 2nd place, Amy 1st place, our hostess Karen, and 2nd place Madeline. Mike's chili was the hottest and one of my three favorites. Amy's first place entry was made with her husband and my good friend "Bob Posner's" venison steak". Karen's my personal favorite, was the first "cod fish chili " I've ever experienced. Move over Mexico! Pictured on the left is Gloria with "Wayne and Karen's" three loving boxers, Zoey, Bo, and Ceirra. Karen and Wayne has been involved with "Boxer Rescue" and other orphaned canine organizations for over twenty years.

Captain's Satch's Wells Harbor Weekly

Reservations (207) 337 0800 : office phone: (207) 324-9655

Reservations for the 2010 season began Saturday Morning Feb.27th.. Make your reservations early to ensure you get the trip of your choice!!


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